Awareness of pharmacists in specific western areas of west Libya about the right administration time of antihypertensive medicines


  • Abdulla Faraj Almaedani Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology ، College of Pharmacy ، Omar Al-Mukhtar University، / Elbyda، Libya
  • Zuhir Mussa Akrim Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology ، College of Pharmacy ، Omar Al-Mukhtar University، / Elbyda، Libya
  • Giuma Haron Abdalmaula Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology, Shahat, Libya


Circadian rhythm, Chronopharmacology, Antihypertensive, Angiotensin II receptor blockers, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Beta-adrenoceptors blockers


The goal of using of any medicines for any disease is to achieve the maximum therapeutics benefits with minimum adverse effects. Understanding of circadian rhythm of the disease or symptoms process increasing the  accuracy of drug’s administration time as well as reducing the adverse effects of treatment. Chronopharmacology is a branch of science deals with differences in the effects of the drugs in human body  in regard to variation in biological functions and endogenous systems at regular intervals .Aims: Our study aims to examine the understanding of some Libyan pharmacists  from the western part of the country about the right administration time of specific antihypertensive drugs. Methods: questionnaires were distributed in the community pharmacies at some places in the western area of the country. All the questionnaires were left for three to five days then collected and statistically analyzed using excel software.  The pharmacists were asked to the answer the question whether the selected antihypertensive medications are given in the morning or in the evening. Results: Data from the current study showed that the chosen pharmacists have the basic information that allowing them to give antihypertensive medications on the  right time. Conclusion: The pharmacists in the present research need further improvements to learn more about the concept of chronopharmacology making them able to understand the circadian rhythm of hypertension and therefore the right administration time of the medicines of this disease.




How to Cite

Almaedani, A. F., Akrim, Z. M., & Abdalmaula, G. H. (2022). Awareness of pharmacists in specific western areas of west Libya about the right administration time of antihypertensive medicines. Silphium Journal of Science and Technology, 1(02), 66–73. Retrieved from


