Evaluating the administrative performance of secondary education school principals in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks the teachers' point of view


  • Dakhel Ali Dakhel Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • Hussein Salem Saeed Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya


Evaluation, Administrative performance, Secondary education, School mamagers


This study aims to evaluate the administrative performance of secondary education school principals in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks from the point of view of teachers by knowing the conceptual framework for the process of evaluating administrative performance in light of administrative tasks through educational literature and previous studies, and the relevant laws, decisions and regulations of the Ministry of Education and knowing The level of practice of the administrative performance of the principals of these schools. It also aims to find out whether there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the level of practice of the administrative performance of the principals of secondary education schools in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks from the point of view Teachers are attributed to the gender variable.

The study population consisted of all general secondary education teachers in the city of Shahat, who numbered (262) male and female teachers. . A stratified random sample of (88) male and female teachers was taken from them. The researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach and used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the data. Using statistical methods, namely arithmetic means, standard deviations, weighted mean, the second test for two independent samples (t.test), frequencies, percentages, and the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient, the researchers used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data and distributed its paragraphs into six areas of administrative tasks, namely planning, Organization, human relations, decision-making, leadership, and communication, the paragraphs of which represent administrative tasks for the principals of these schools.

The study resulted in the following results:

1- Identify the conceptual and theoretical framework for the process of evaluating administrative performance and administrative tasks among education school principals By benefiting from educational literature and previous educational studies that concerned school principals and reviewing the decisions, regulations and laws of the Ministry Relevant education in Libya.

2 - The level of administrative performance of principals of public secondary schools in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks from the point of view of  The teachers were average.

3- There are no statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) in the level of administrative performance of secondary education school principals The general population in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks from the point of view of teachers is.



How to Cite

Dakhel, D. A., & Saeed, H. S. (2023). Evaluating the administrative performance of secondary education school principals in the city of Shahat in light of their administrative tasks the teachers’ point of view. Silphium Journal of Science and Technology, 1(04), 10–40. Retrieved from https://j.istc.edu.ly/index.php/sjst/article/view/37


