The Reality of Administrative Empowerment of Academic Leaders At Omar Al-Mukhtar University From Their Point Of View


  • Hsasn A A. Argia Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • Saleem A M.Mustafa Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • Zakarya Abdullah Eloakali Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya


Administrative Empowerment, Academic Leaders, Omar Almuktar University


The study aimed to identify the reality of administrative empowerment among the academic leaders of Omar Al-Mukhtar University and to determine the degree of difference of views according to the variables of the study. The researchers used the descriptive and analytical curriculum in the study. The study was applied randomly to 82 individuals and used the questionnaire as a data collection tool. It included two parts, the first containing preliminary and second data for measuring administrative empowerment, consisting of (61) phrase. The results of the study showed that the highest degree of administrative empowerment exercise was after delegation of authority with a mean of (60.09), while the dimension of motivation ranked last in the dimensions of administrative empowerment among academic leaders at Omar Al-Mukhtar University, with a mean of (44.68). The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the sample estimates to the extent that the administrative empowerment dimensions were exercised due to variables: Job titles, degree, experience, training, gender, college. In the light of the results of the study, the researchers came up with a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which is to promote the University's adoption of the curriculum of empowering academic leaders in its various dimensions, by working to develop an effective reward system for them, and by expanding their participation in the preparation, formulation and implementation of the vision of the future of their universities, which would enhance their awareness of their active role and influence on the course of their universities.



How to Cite

A. Argia, H. A., M.Mustafa, S. A., & Eloakali, Z. A. (2022). The Reality of Administrative Empowerment of Academic Leaders At Omar Al-Mukhtar University From Their Point Of View. Silphium Journal of Science and Technology, 1(02), 1–30. Retrieved from


